BSM4tops machine learning project

Improving the reconstruction of heavy exotic particles decaying to top quark pairs in four-top-quark-final states.


This project is part of the DESY summer student programme taking place in 2021. It is offered by the ATLAS group in the division "Searches Beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics".

The project takes place from 19.07.2021 to 09.09.2021.

Because of the enduring Covid-19 pandemic, the summer student project takes place exclusively online. Informal meetings can be scheduled anytime in a dedicated Zoom room.


The communication among the team can take place via various options.

Direct messaging via Skype or e-mail is the preferred option to ask for help or set up a brief Zoom call. In general, if you need more than 30 min for a problem and have found no help on Google or StackOverflow, it is better to reach out than to wait.

You can document your progress in the rolling Indico agenda. Indico is a tool for setting up meetings and allows for uploading documents and decks of slides.

There is a fixed Zoom room which can be used for informal meetings or calls.

Important dates


The project is supervised by:

Krisztian Peters

Leading Scientist at DESY


Last updated

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